I need to keep secret from boss for now, someone told her I was trying and she asked me out right- bit cheeky, none of her business yet! I assured her we weren’t so it can’t get back to her. I couldn’t help but tell someone at work who knows we have been trying. It is such a relief to talk about it with someone and share a secret smile across the room. I’ve also had to tell the dentist who wanted to numb my tooth. She said to wait until I was over the first trimester which I assume is 3 months. She also said it would be on NHS. I thought she was doing me a favour but apparently dentistry is free when pregnant!
I’ve got a doctors appointment in 2 days and can’t wait to see what she says. I will be 5 weeks which is so early but she might book a midwife or scan and then I will have a date to look forward to!
Every now and then I worry about the baby not developing correctly. I know someone with a baby who was diagnosed with downs syndrome, and someone with an autistic toddler, I have a child in my class with cerebral palsy and I just watched a film where the baby didn’t have a heart beat. I am starting to eat more healthily and plan to do lots of exercise in the summer holidays. I am taking folic acid and have done since January. I wonder if there is more I can do?
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