Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Doctors and dreams

Last night I had a dream. I always say dreams represent your fears and hopes. I dreamt that I was in labour and Nick stayed by my side the whole time (this is a hope as he is extremely squeamish and fainted last time he went to a hospital). Then I had to have a caesarean and out came a little girl. She had brown eyes and brown hair. Neither of us have brown eyes… but the fact that she was girl is a secret hope. I always wanted boys but after a friend of ours told us she was having a girl, I keep thinking about girls.

Then came a big fear. All these secrets and letting people know in drips and drabs has obviously been playing on my mind because in my dream we see a neighbour. The neighbour tells my mum and my mum didn’t know yet. I would’ve told my mum in real life by the time I give birth of course but it’s interesting that I’m dreaming that my mum finds out and we weren’t the ones to tell her. Then we talk about naming her in my dream. We both agree she looks like a Violet but neither of us liked the name. Then Nick’s parents say they heard we called her Celeste. We said we hadn’t chosen a name yet and they said ‘oh good’ like they didn’t approve of the name- another fear! And last but not least we agreed that our two favourite names didn’t suit our new baby! Glad this was only a dream, but so many worries in one dream! At least the baby was healthy!

I went to the doctor today and it was like the websites said. No confirmation or actual advice. I made sure I needed the toilet for a urine sample but that was unnecessary! I asked lots of questions and she gave clear answers which websites weren’t doing. For example packet ham is fine, despite websites saying NO DELI MEATS EVER! She could tell I was happy and said that the midwife will be in touch. I could also fill in a form to allow me to get free dentistry and prescriptions! Great! I did find out that I can’t dye my hair though and it really needs a top up! I worked it out that I am 5 weeks along and I am due in March! Yey!

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