Saturday, 9 July 2011

The collection starts...

The next morning (3 weeks in still, I think/hope) Nick and I woke up and watched a rom com in bed. It was lovely. We cuddled and talked about baby things. I got out a baby name book that I had browsed before and read out a list I had jotted. We laughed at some of the names and wrote down some potential names. We have always liked 2 girls’ names in particular from the start of our relationship, they are still a possibility. These will remain secret for now. We always said we would have boys though, I have three brothers, he has 3 brothers and one of his bothers has 3 boys! We didn’t get out of bed until midday. We will enjoy those mornings for as long as possible.

As we cuddled I said how hard I was finding it keeping such big news to myself. I said that two of our friends who have donated so much baby stuff are coming round for dinner in 2 weeks. I asked shyly if we could tell them. Nick said “ok, but they must not share it with others”. I squeezed him and said thank you! I have something to look forward to that doesn’t seem forever away!

I went round my dad’s house this afternoon. He remarried a few years ago and has 2 children- a little girl who is 3 and a little boy who is 6 months. I asked a few questions and held the baby a few times. Dad’s wife Hazel asked if I wanted more of her old baby stuff, she said “I know you don’t want to jinx it but they are good quality.” To cover my tracks I said “are you sure you don’t know anyone else who may want them?” and she explained that her cousin is due in October but she is offering the stuff to me first, I took them gladly. I went home with a baby bath, boys and girls clothes and maternity clothes!

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