blog 1
After being married for 6 months and after plenty of discussion about when we want children, what month we want our child to be born and what names we like already we decided to start while we were in Las Vegas. I had been off the pill for 6 months and Nick and I thought a September baby would be perfect. Being a teacher I would have the last 6 weeks at home making last minute arrangements. We also thought our child would have an edge as he/she would be the eldest in the class. We were so naïve to think we could choose.
It was new years day 2011 when we decided no protection, let’s do it. It felt amazing to take such a big step in our lives. I remember feeling worried that our baby wouldn’t have a great start because I had been SO drunk the night before and it must be still in my system!
After a month I got my period. I was very disappointed. I remembered how relieved I used to feel when I thought we hadn’t been very careful in the past, now I had a new rush of feelings, this time worse. Nick wasn’t too bothered, he had a more realistic head on. Instantly I started to look up conceiving tips on websites. The next few months only made me more impatient, still only one line on a pregnancy test, never two. I couldn’t wait for my period so I would take tests that could tell you two days before your period. Never the less, my period soon followed.
Four months into trying Nick started to show a reaction when I said I started my period “that’s a shame” he would say sadly. I then began asking friends. They told me all of the things I knew they would say
“relax, it will happen when it happens”,
“try putting your legs in the air straight afterwards”,
“it’s rare for couple to fall pregnant before the first 6 months”,
“do it as often as possible but don’t make it stressful”,
“once it happens, it is forever so enjoy your time when it is just you two.”
I had read all of this online before, along with keep a healthy diet and stay off caffeine which we both started to do. I then sheepishly asked my mum one day how long it took her to get pregnant. She said two months, not what I wanted to hear. The funniest and most disgusting one was to put a tampon in afterwards and keep ‘it’ all in, I decided not to do that again, yuk!
Despite the advice and my dad’s hints that he wanted us to wait a few years I knew my next step, go to the doctor and ask for advice on an ovulation test or fertility pills. Although that might seem drastic, I was worried that being on the pill for 10 years may have done some damage. I was due my period in a few days so decided to wait until that disappointing day when it comes. It seemed everyone around me was giving birth or getting pregnant, facebook was full of happy mum’s to be.
I decided to take a test a couple of days early, hopeful but ready. Early on Friday 1st July 2011 I woke to see Nick getting dressed and I knew I only had a few minutes before he would leave the house. I got up and quickly ripped open a pregnancy test. I put it down after peeing every where and took a quick glance. One line “shit” I whispered. I threw the box in the bin and went back to the bathroom. I glanced again while the test lay rest on the shelf. I looked away and then quickly looked back. I picked it up to get a closer look. “2 lines! There is another line!” I stood in front of Nick and said "Nick, I’ve got something to tell you, I’m pregnant!" Nick looked wide eyed at me “what?” he said. I went and got the test, “look, 2 lines”. He looked at the box and the test. “You’re pregnant?” he said smiling. “We are having a baby” I said as we hugged.
We both watched the line get darker and agreed not to tell anyone and I would take another test tomorrow. We both went to work with spinning heads. I am really close a lady at work and couldn’t keep such exciting news to myself, especially when the whole school knew I was keen and probably trying. I caught her in the toilets and whispered “I’m late, I’m going to take a test soon”. She whispered a squeal and I put my finger to my lips “keep it hush” I said beaming!