Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Alive and kicking!

Alive and kicking!

I’m now 18 weeks pregnant and just told my class at school. I showed them a picture of the scan and asked them where they think that baby is. I then told them it was in my tummy. They all smiled at me and asked me a million questions- luckily I didn’t get asked how it got there! They did request that they name him/her…, I said I would take suggestions. I explained that I would be leaving in February which some of them were sad about! But I said I would come back and do a show and tell with the new baby as soon as I could! The parents were great and many of them have congratulated me.

We also got a letter from the hospital to say the baby was at low risk of developing Downs Syndrome so that was a relief. We have our second scan next week! I can’t wait to have another look!

I was teaching one afternoon this week and the baby kicked twice. At first I wasn’t sure but then it definitely felt like a kick from the inside! It was amazing. I disrupted the class by making it a big deal and took ages to get them back to work! Nick was really pleased when I told him that night. He said I was lucky getting to feel it. I said ‘yes, until the end, then you won’t be jealous!’

We have been visiting some baby shops and feeling very overwhelmed with the variety of prams and car chairs we can get. I have also started going to the toilet again and having some very vivid dreams. I am starting to feel guilty about the 2 cups of tea I drink a day- is this too much? Also, I’m not exercising and feel like I should be!